
A Client class is the base class provided by ib-client package to interact with an infoblox API.


The following optional keyword arguments are available when instantiating the class:

  • url: The url to connect to the infoblox API which must be of the form http://<host>/wapi/v2.X.
  • user: The user to connect to. It is used in the process of HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • password: The user's password. It is used in the process of HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • cert: The path to the client certificate if you have one for your API server. The value of this parameter has two forms. The first is to provide the path of the pem file, the second is to provide a tuple of paths (certificate_file_path, private_key_path).
  • dot_env_path: Like the parameter name suggests, it is the path to a .env file that will be used to configure the url, user and password. It is an alternate way to provide the parameters url, user and password. The 3 minimum information required in this file are IB_URL, IB_USER and IB_PASSWORD. Note that if you provide this parameter with the first three, the latter will take precedence.


This property returns the infoblox API schema.

available objects

This property returns all available infoblox objects in the current version of API.


This property returns the underlying requests.Session used to perform HTTP requests. It is useful when performing upload or download operations.


In the following methods, the annotation Json represents type hint Union[dict, str, list].


Signature: custom_request(data: Json = None) -> Json

This method allows you to perform custom requests.


data: The body of the request.


Signature: get_object(name: str) -> Resource

This methods returns a resource object that you can use to interact with infoblox objects of the type which name is passed as argument.


name: The name of the infoblox object e.g record:host or network.


This class helps to interact with infoblox objects. Normally you don't have to interact directly with this class, but you will get an instance via the client method get_object. Note that all the CRUD operations are possible with this class.


This property returns the API documentation of the object. It gives all the information necessary to interact with objects of the concerned type.


This property returns the name of the concerned infoblox object.


This property returns the list of fields available for the concerned infoblox object. Even search-only fields are listed.


This property returns the list of all available functions of the concerned infoblox object. It may be empty if the concerned infoblox object does not offer functions.


Signature: get_field_information(name: str) -> dict

This method returns information about a field of the concerned infoblox object. You will have information about its type, how you can use it with search modifiers to filter results, etc...


name: The name of the field to probe.


Signature: get_function_information(name: str) -> dict

This method returns information about a function of the concerned infoblox object. You will know input parameters that the function takes and what output information is expected.


name: The name of the function to probe.


Signature: get(object_ref: str = None, params: dict = None, return_fields: List[str] = None, return_fields_plus: List[str] = None, proxy_search: str = None) -> Json

This method retrieves objects. It is indicated to use this method when you want to get a specific object or just a few of them. If you want to retrieve a lot of objects (hundreds or thousand or more..), please refer to get_multiple method.


  • object_ref: the reference of the object to get.
  • params: a dict with parameters that helps you to filter the results. Note that search modifiers can be used to refine conditions. For example, assuming we are manipulating network resources, we can filter objects to return with these conditions: params={'comment~': 'gateway', 'network_view!': 'default'}.
  • return_fields: the list of fields to return within objects. If you don't provide this parameter, you will get the basic fields of the concerned object.
  • return_fields_plus: the list of fields to return in addition of the basic fields of the concerned object.
  • proxy_search: the values possible are GM to redirect requests to Grid master for processing or LOCAL to process locally. This option is applicable only on vConnector grid members. If you don't provide this parameter, the default will be LOCAL.


Signature: get_multiple(params: dict = None, return_fields: List[str] = None, return_fields_plus: List[str] = None, proxy_search: str = None) -> Iterator[dict]

This method helps to retrieve lot of objects without exploding the memory used.


  • params: a dict with parameters that helps you to filter the results. Note that search modifiers can be used to refine conditions. For example, assuming we are manipulating network resources, we can filter objects to return with these conditions: params={'comment~': 'gateway', 'network_view!': 'default'}.
  • return_fields: the list of fields to return within objects. If you don't provide this parameter, you will get the basic fields of the concerned object.
  • return_fields_plus: the list of fields to return in addition of the basic fields of the concerned object.
  • proxy_search: the values possible are GM to redirect requests to Grid master for processing or LOCAL to process locally. This option is applicable only on vConnector grid members. If you don't provide this parameter, the default will be LOCAL.


Signature: count(params: dict = None, proxy_search: str = None) -> int

This method comes in handy when you just want to count specific objects without retrieving them.


  • params: a dict with parameters that helps you to filter the results. Note that search modifiers can be used to refine conditions. For example, assuming we are manipulating network resources, we can filter objects to return with these conditions: params={'comment~': 'gateway', 'network_view!': 'default'}
  • proxy_search: the values possible are GM to redirect requests to Grid master for processing or LOCAL to process locally. This option is applicable only on vConnector grid members. If you don't provide this parameter, the default will be LOCAL.


Signature: create(schedule_time: int = None, schedule_now: bool = False, schedule_predecessor_task: str = None, schedule_warn_level: str = None, approval_comment: str = None, approval_query_mode: str = None, approval_ticket_number: int = None, return_fields: List[str] = None, return_fields_plus: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Json

As the name of the method states, this method performs creation of infoblox objects.


  • schedule_time: timestamp representing the date to perform the operation.
  • schedule_now: indicates whether to perform the operation now or not. This parameter cannot be used at the same time as the schedule_time parameter.
  • schedule_predecessor_task: reference to a scheduled task that will be executed before the submitted task.
  • schedule_warn_level: warn level for the operation. Valid values are WARN and NONE. If not provided, NONE will be used.
  • approval_comment: comment for the approval operation. It can be required or optional depending of the settings of your approval workflow.
  • approval_query_mode: query mode for the approval operation. Valid values are "true" and "false". If not provided the default value is "false".
  • approval_ticket_number: ticket number for the approval operation.
  • return_fields: the list of fields to return in the response of the creation operation. If not provided, only the reference of the created object will be returned.
  • return_fields_plus: the list of fields to return in addition of the basic fields in the response of the creation operation. If not provided, return_fields will be returned if provided otherwise, only the reference of the created object will be returned.
  • kwargs: various fields to pass as keyword arguments to create an object. For example to create a network, you can do this create(network='', comment='first network').


Signature: update(self, object_ref: str = None, schedule_time: int = None, schedule_now: bool = False, schedule_predecessor_task: str = None, schedule_warn_level: str = None, approval_comment: str = None, approval_query_mode: str = None, approval_ticket_number: int = None, return_fields: List[str] = None, return_fields_plus: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Json:

This method updates an object by giving its reference as input.


  • object_ref: reference of the object to update.
  • schedule_time: timestamp representing the date to perform the operation.
  • schedule_now: indicates whether to perform the operation now or not. This parameter cannot be used at the same time as the schedule_time parameter.
  • schedule_predecessor_task: reference to a scheduled task that will be executed before the submitted task.
  • schedule_warn_level: warn level for the operation. Valid values are WARN and NONE. If not provided, NONE will be used.
  • approval_comment: comment for the approval operation. It can be required or optional depending of the settings of your approval workflow.
  • approval_query_mode: query mode for the approval operation. Valid values are "true" and "false". If not provided the default value is "false".
  • approval_ticket_number: ticket number for the approval operation.
  • return_fields: the list of fields to return in the response of the update operation. If not provided, only the reference of the updated object will be returned.
  • return_fields_plus: the list of fields to return in addition of the basic fields in the response of the update operation. If not provided, return_fields will be returned if provided otherwise, only the reference of the updated object will be returned.
  • kwargs: various fields to pass as keyword arguments to update an object. For example to update a network with reference my-ref you can do this update(object_ref='my-ref', comment='new comment').


Signature: delete(self, object_ref: str = None, schedule_time: int = None, schedule_now: bool = False, schedule_predecessor_task: str = None, schedule_warn_level: str = None, approval_comment: str = None, approval_query_mode: str = None, approval_ticket_number: int = None) -> Json

This method deletes an object by giving its reference as input.


  • object_ref: reference of the object to delete.
  • schedule_time: timestamp representing the date to perform the operation.
  • schedule_now: indicates whether to perform the operation now or not. This parameter cannot be used at the same time as the schedule_time parameter.
  • schedule_predecessor_task: reference to a scheduled task that will be executed before the submitted task.
  • schedule_warn_level: warn level for the operation. Valid values are WARN and NONE. If not provided, NONE will be used.
  • approval_comment: comment for the approval operation. It can be required or optional depending of the settings of your approval workflow.
  • approval_query_mode: query mode for the approval operation. Valid values are "true" and "false". If not provided the default value is "false".
  • approval_ticket_number: ticket number for the approval operation.


Signature: func_call(self, object_ref: str = None, function_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> Json

This function performs a function call on an object. It returns information about the result of the operation.


  • object_ref: optional reference of the object to which the function is to be applied.
  • function_name: the name of the function to call.
  • kwargs: keyword arguments representing input parameters of the function.